What are the different types of Cyberbullying?

There are many different types of cyberbullying that are recognized by NYS such as:
Sending mean messages - This type of cyberbullying could be a variety of things such as sending or posting messages that are mean, vulgar, hostile, etc. This can occur on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Ask.fm, etc.
Trying to intentionally damage someone's reputation or friendship - If someone begins to spread rumors or gossip about you to try to intentionally ruin someones reputation, that is cyberbullying. Examples of this could be someone saying that they were talking about someone behind their back when they weren't or saying a student kissed another student's girlfriend.
Publishing information about you that you don't want in the public's eye - If someone posts a picture of you that is embarrassing or confidential, that is not okay. These could be photos such as naked photos meant for a single person that were spread around to a bunch of people.
Photos/videos of attacks - Taking a photo or video of someone being physically or verbally attacked and then going around and posting it on social media is a form of cyberbullying because it make people think that the victim is a "baby".
Sending things to your computer to harm you or spy on you - Any type of hacking, spyware, or viruses that could be used to harm someone's technology or used to spy on an individual is cyberbullying.
Finding ways to publicly make fun of or humiliate you - This is when someone goes out of their way to put someone else on blast on something such as a forum or blog for many people to see
Tries to sabotage you - This could be an individual or a group of individual who gang up on one person so that they lose, or create obstacles to keep them from succeeding in a game.


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