The Perfect Copyright Resources

Below is a collection, thanks to Dr. Smirnova, of some great articles/websites/slideshows that focus on Copyright and Fair Use!

The Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use - This article is a collection of five different articles that all talk about various topics about copyright such as what copyright is and isn't, copyright basics and facts, what it does and doesn't protect, copyright and fair use laws, distinguishing between what is and isn't fair use, fair use guidelines for educators, and information on district liability and teacher responsibility when it comes to both copyright and fair use.

Copyright for Educators -This website provides some videos explaining what teachers and educators can and cannot do under the copyright law. They also have links to a copyright checklist and fair use guidelines which I will post below!

Creative Commons - This website allows for free and easy-to-use copyright licenses to allow work to be publicly shared and used based on the terms that you set for it.

Copyright Basics - This website breaks down all of the basic things about copyright that you need to know, such as what copyright is, why it is important, what is and isn't protected, and information about how to get copyrights, how long it lasts, etc.


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