Digital Ethics: Choices and Cheaters
Digital ethics is a huge part of web safety. In this activity from NetSmartz's student project kit, students will first be asked these questions:
- What are some reasons that people cheat in school?
- Has technology made this easier or harder for people to do?
- What are some of the ways that people cheat?
- What are some of the consequences of cheating?
Students will then be split into groups and each group will get a computer. They will be told to go onto and go through an interactive comic strip. The first round they will chose answers that are choices that they would make and for the second round they pick the opposite choices. To finish off the lesson, students will write/type and submit a reflection what they have learned and they will create their own skit with choices and consequences.
I chose this activity because I feel like it is very easy to cheat in math whether its sharing your answers with a friend or using google or an app that will solve the problem for you or will find the answers. Doing this activity may make students think twice next time!
I think teaching digital ethics is something that all teachers need to go over with students, and this is a great way to do it. Biology has the same problems where students can just look up the answers without giving them thought, which completely ignores the whole point of most bio assignments, which is for understanding and information processing. This is definitely the kind of topic that should be gone over in class!