My thoughts on Sir Ken Robinson's TED Talk "Changing Education Paradigms"

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I enjoyed Robinson's video on changing education paradigms. One thing that he spoke significantly about was the ADHD "epidemic" and how it is fictitious. Growing up, my mother always said the same thing and frowned when she heard that my friends were on Ritalin, the medication for ADHD. On the contrary, my fiance and his four brothers were all on Ritalin for most of their childhoods. While their mother swears that it helped them, my fiance always told me how much he hated being on that medication. He has told me that he felt like he was a different person, he never really had an appetite and it made him very skinny, at one time to the point where he looked sick. I strongly agree with Robinson that this is a fictitious epidemic and that the answer is not to pump with drugs but rather to seek other alternatives so that we don't have kids walking around like zombies.


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